9 Dec 2022 at 05:35
In each educational institution, the practice report must be defended, as well as the coursework and diploma. So just write my papers is half the battle. You need to speak well to the teacher and present your report competently. Based on these two criteria, your assessment for the completed practice will be formed. Matter of chance As a rule, everything depends on the teacher. Judging from my experience, I can say that some require the fulfillment of all the protection settings prescribed in the training manual, but there are those who do not care. One of my practices went so badly that I had to fake data to even be credited. I was hoping for a "three". But by a lucky coincidence, the teacher did not even look at my report, and at the defense asked what grade I want. As a result, I got “excellent” for this practice. Of course, not everyone is so lucky, so sometimes it's better to order all the work from custom writing papers. Experts can write a report on your practice, and even a speech for defense. At the same time, you yourself can negotiate the price for all the work with the author, and agree on the one that suits both of you. Procedure for defending practice The date and time of protection is set by the department. It usually takes place no later than the first two months of the new school year. In order for a student to be admitted to the defense, he must submit to the department a phd thesis proposal on the practice and a description from the place of practice. If the report is not drawn up and executed properly, then the student may not be admitted to the defense. For information on how to properly draw up a report, see the article " Drawing up a report on practice ." During the defense, the student usually talks about what he did during the practice, and then answers the teacher's questions. It takes 5 to 7 minutes at most. Criteria for evaluating past practice [list] [*]Characteristics of the student from the place of practice (the opinion of the immediate supervisor about the student is very important, because he himself followed his work for a month). [*]The quality of the documents provided by the student. [*]The quality of student protection of practice. [/list] Remember that if you have not cleared your internship debt, you may be expelled from your school. Edited by yolandadussy78
21 Dec 2022 at 05:04