MacMillanwu: The Madden NFL 24 team has taken advantage of that loyalty
The Madden NFL 24 team has taken advantage of that loyalty
Madden 24 coins has proven that it's only focussed on making money and benefiting itself and its teams. As USA Today pointed out:
"If there's any reason for tax exempting businesses, it would be that they serve the public purpose of aiding commerce across the broad spectrum of a type of business or business generally," said (Philip) Hackney who is an LSU lawyer who was an IRS attorney who argued tax-exempt organization questions. "Commerce is vital to our country, and we should be encouraging those engaged in this field in a very public way. These (sports) organizations are, to my mind, are anything but public-minded in their financial interests. They are focused on the profits from their franchises."
There's a misguided desire to think of sports organisations as entities that transcend the business world as if they're dedicated to the greater good. But it's pure rhetoric. The Madden NFL 24 is not concerned with the public good as well as upholding a high moral standard. The NCAA is not awash with experts who want to shield athletes from the lure of consumerism. Your local marathon probably not giving as much to charity you think it should.
In spite of this week's events, Madden NFL 24 has proven that it is solely intent on making a profit and profiting from it.
We as fans desire our sports teams as well as our favourite leagues to stand for something more. We're proud of the players' charity efforts and point out their beliefs whenever they're being questioned about their morality and why we don't are knowledgeable about the character of the players that we see on TV. We're much more concerned with the moral compass of the Madden NFL 24 then we care about corporations who are located on Wall Street, even though they're likely to be operating to serve the same goal.
Part of the reason for this is that we're identified us as Madden NFL 24 fans, and we do not pretend to specifically support a team or league that has morally shaky moral compass. The Madden NFL 24 team has taken advantage of that loyalty, claiming that it exists for fans and communities in which its teams play and for the greater good of the sport.
As is becoming clear (and actually should have been all along), the Madden NFL 24 exists to make money. It's not a place to do anything else and is probably naive to believe it's anything else. This Madden NFL 24 is a company, and it's high time to treat it like one. This might be a lot to ask, given the current political situation, however, a plausible possibility of it happening could be enough to convince the league to cheap madden nfl 24 coins be honest -- and attempt again to fool us into thinking it's more than making a profit.
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