tujue: ner or the hea

ner or the hea

16 Aug 2018 at 23:13



BUCHAREST, Dec. 13 (Xinhua) -- The Moldovan Constitutional Court on Tuesday validated the result of the presidential runoff, which means that Socialist leader Igor Dodon will become the country's new president.


The top court made the decision after all electoral litigations in courts had been exhausted, rejecting the petition of Dodon's rival in the runoff, the leader of the "Action and Justice" Party Maya Sandu, to annul the results of the elections.


After his election was validated by the top court, Dodon said on Tuesday that he hoped to swear in "as soon as possible."


"Today in the evening or tomorrow morning I will contact the parliament speaker, the prime minister and the president of the Constitutional Court to discuss and ask that the inauguration day to be as soon as possible," Dodon said.


"I hope that there it will be no delays here," the president-elect said, mentioning that the inauguration day would be set by the Parliament speaker and Constitutional Court not later than Dec. 28.


Following the ruling, Dodon is to take oath before the parliament and the Constitutional Court in 45 days after the polls at the latest.


"Finally, after a month of blocking, today the Constitutional Court validated the results of the Presidential elections from Nov. 13," Dodon said after the top court's ruling, stressing that his political opponents were drawing out the process.


Dodon believed that the delay was done on purpose, so that the government manages to approve certain "anti-popular reforms," as well as the appointment of the Prosecutor General, and the opening of NATO center at Chisinau, the capital of Moldova.


Dodon won the presidential runoff on Nov. 13, scoring 52.18 percent of the ballot, while the right-wing candidate Maia Sandu got 47.82 percent.


The presidential race marked the first time in 16 years that the country was electing its leader by national vote instead of having parliament select the head of state.

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