zhouyueyue: To fight against the difficult situation of child

To fight against the difficult situation of child

30 Oct 2018 at 22:13

RAMALLAH adidas superstar slip on herre tilbud , Oct. 14 (Xinhua) -- Palestinian consensus government warned on Wednesday of security measures Israel intends to implement in east Jerusalem, deeming them as a trigger for more escalation.


In a press statement, the government accused Israel of harassing Palestinian residents of Jerusalem and making their lives unbearable so they could leave the city.


The government said the Israeli measures clearly violate the international laws in regards to the status of the occupied Palestinian Territory, including Jerusalem.


""This falls under the plans to Judiaze Jerusalem and erase the city's genuine Palestinian and Arabic character adidas superstar slip on dame tilbud ,"" the statement said.


The government reiterated its calls for the UN organizations to initiate an ""investigation in the Israeli crimes and violations against the Palestinian people.""


The Israeli government's security cabinet has decided on Tuesday night to cordon off or surround ""friction points"" in east Jerusalem with Israeli police, citing security concerns.


The cabinet has also approved deploying more Israeli soldiers and policemen in cities, roads and along the bordering points, with 300 more security guards to be deployed to secure passengers using public transportation adidas superstar 80s tilbud , according to reports by the Israeli public radio.


Most of neighborhood deemed as ""friction points"" are inhabited by Palestinians who often cry out discrimination by the Israeli government.


Residents of east Jerusalem's Jabal Al-Mukabar neighborhood said on Wednesday that the Israeli forces have erected checkpoints at the neighborhood's three entrances.


The cabinet also has decided to crackdown on the Palestinian attackers, including stripping their families from their permanent residency status in Jerusalem. Majority of those living in east Jerusalem are considered permanent residents and don't hold the Israeli passport or citizenship.


The list of punishments against families of attackers mounted to confiscating their properties and banning families from re-building their houses that Israel demolishes.


The Israeli massive crackdown comes after three Israelis were killed and 12 others were wounded on Tuesday. Five Palestinians conducted four stabbing, shooting and running over attacks in Jerusalem and in the central city of Ra'anana as a part of the current round of violence that was sparked two weeks ago.


Tension in the West Bank continued between Palestinians and the Israeli army on Wednesday where Palestinian sources said that a 16-year-old student was critically injured with the army's live bullets near Hebron city.


Medics said they have dealt with 48 injuries in the West Bank from the early hours of Wednesday until noon.


In related news, a Palestinian detainee died on Wednesday in an Israeli hospital adidas superstar blomster tilbud , days after he became brain dead.


Head of the Palestinian Prisoners' Committee Issa Qaraqe told Xinhua that 30-year-old prisoner Fadi al-Darbi from the West Bank city of Jenin died of a brain hemorrhage in the Israeli hospital of Soroka.


Qaraqe held the Israeli government and prisons authority the responsibility for his death, saying he was subjected to ""medical negligence."" Israeli army arrested al-Darbi in 2006 and an Israeli court sentenced him to 14 years where he spent nine of which in multiple Israeli prisons.


Israeli official sources didn't comment on al-Darbi's death.


In turn, the Israeli army said it arrested 21 Palestinians in the West Bank early on Wednesday, accusing five of them of involvement in ""riots and public order disruption.""


Thirty Palestinians were killed and more than 1 adidas superstar supercolor tilbud ,400 Palestinians were wounded of live rounds and rubber-coated bullets in the current wave of violence that started beginning of October, official data showed.


Israeli death toll since Sept. 30 mounted to seven, and 92 others sustained injuries, 10 of which were reportedly critical cases.


Violence erupted mid September over the flashpoint holy site of al-Aqsa mosque compound. Palestinians say Israel's measures on the ground aim to change and divide the compound by allowing Jewish prayers to be conducted adidas superstar foundation tilbud , contrary to the status-quo.


Israeli government denied intentions to change the matters on the ground at al-Aqsa.


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