zhouyueyue: "The American people voted for change,

"The American people voted for change,

6 Dec 2018 at 19:47

MEXICO CITY Nike Air Max TN Sale Outlet , July 7 (Xinhua) -- Soldiers seized a cache of weapons Friday in the city of Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, on the U.S. border, the Ministry of National Defense announced.


The soldiers found the arsenal in a house in the city's Toboganes neighborhood during a patrol, and saw armed men running away from the building as they approached, said a ministry statement.


The arsenal includes 78 AR-15 rifles Nike Air Max 95 Sale Outlet , 13 AK-47 rifles, three Barret 0.5 calibre guns, two G-3 rifles, an anti-tank rocket, five grenade launchers and 13 grenades.


The soldiers also reported 30,000 bullets of various sorts Nike Air Max 90 Sale Outlet , 1,379 chargers for AR-15 and AK-47 rifles, as well as 20 military camouflage uniforms.


The arsenal will be turned over to Mexico's prosecutor-general and is seen as a serious blow to criminal gangs in Tamaulipas.


According to local news reports, it is the largest arsenal found in the state in recent years. Tamaulipas is one of the most violent states in Mexico with several drug cartels fighting for territory near the U.S. border.


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ROME, July 9 (Xinhua) -- UNESCO has added another Italian siteto its list of unique and irreplaceable cultural and naturalheritage, the Italian culture minister announced Sunday.


The new World Heritage site is called the Venetian Works ofDefence, a complex enclave of fortifications designed and built bythe ancient seafaring Republic of Venice between the 15th-17thcenturies to control its territories and the commercial routesleading to the East Air Max TN Sale Outlet , according to the UNESCO website.


On Friday, the UNESCO committee also added a stretch of600-year-old beech forests in a national park in Italy's centralApennines mountain range to its list of irreplaceable naturalheritage.


"Ancient beech forests and Venetian Defense Works added toUNESCO heritage. Italy consolidates its primacy with 53 sites,"Culture Minister Dario Franceschini tweeted Sunday.


The Venetian Defense Works site is trasnational because itextends for more than 1,000 kms from northeastern Italy to theneighboring countries of Croatia and Montenegro on the AdriaticSea.


"This unique and ancient enclave bears...important testimony tothe interaction among peoples and, more in general, to the cultureexpressed by Venice in the world Air Max 95 Sale Outlet ," according to UNESCO.


The Venice Defense Works site was submitted to UNESCO forconsideration by Croatia in 2013, with the endorsement of Italy andMontenegro.


Sunday's decision was taken by the 41st World HeritageCommittee, which is meeting in the Polish city of Krakow from July2-12 to examine proposals to inscribe 33 new sites.


The World Heritage list currently includes 1,070 sites aroundthe world. Enditem

Graphic shows results of Gallup polling on president-elect approval during transition; 2c x 5 inches; 96.3 mm x 127 mm;

WASHINGTON — After 10 weeks, dozens of tweets and one rollicking news conference, Donald Trump's transition into the White House has left little doubt that the man Americans elected in November is the president they'll get.


The immense responsibilities of the office and the daunting decisions that await Trump when he takes office Friday have not appeared to change the confrontational Air Max 90 Sale Outlet , divisive Republican.


Just days away from his inauguration, Trump is still litigating old campaign fights and picking new ones with intelligence agencies and Rep. John Lewis, the Georgia Democrat and civil rights movement veteran. Trump is refusing to be boxed in by the conservative ideology his party prefers and he's battling with journalists, yet still craves their attention.


To supporters, Trump's handling of this transition period is proof that the political novice-turned-president-elect plans to follow through on his campaign promises to take a sledgehammer to Washington's traditional ways.


"The American people voted for change," Trump spokesman Sean Spicer said. "He is the instrument of that change."

  In this Nov. 10 Air Max Sale Outlet , 2016 photo, President Barack Obama and President-elect Donald Trump shake hands following their meeting in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington. (AP PhotoPablo Martinez Monsivais)

It's clear, however, that a solid majority of Americans are not behind him. Trump is poised to enter the Oval Office with a far lower approval rating — 42 percent — than his three predecessors, according to Gallup, which only has comparable data going back to 1992. The previous lowest was George W. Bush Nike Air Max TN Sale Womens , who won positive marks from 59 percent during his transition to office. Bush, like Trump, also lost the popular vote in a tightly contested race.


Gallup found just 44 percent of those questioned approve of the way the incoming president has handled his transition, compared with 83 percent approval of Barack Obama's transition. Sixty-one percent approved of Bush's transition.


That leaves a hefty task ahead for Trump, who must take the stage on Friday and, after swearing the oath Nike Air Max 95 Sale Womens , address perhaps his largest, broadest audience to date. Presidents typically call for unity and common purpose.


David Axelrod, a longtime political adviser to Obama, cast doubt on whether that was something Trump could do. He pointed to Trump's postelection "thank you" tour that took the Republican only to states he won.


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