zhouyueyue: standard alphabet plus several extra character

standard alphabet plus several extra character

24 Feb 2019 at 20:21

Where did the word emoticons come from? It is what we call a portmanteau which means a word that is a blend of two or more words into one new word. Emoticon is a portmanteau that is derived from the words emotion and icon. Emoticons have become widely used today as the popularity of text messaging and emailing have become a dominant form of communication. Web forums discount jordan shoes wholesale , instant messaging and online games are home for the emoticon’s simplified method of transmitting an emotional impression upon the receiver. We can track emoticons in English writing back to the 19th century when they were used typically in very casual or humorous writing. However, Scott Fahlman of the Carnegie Mellon University first proposed the use of emoticons in digital form on the internet in 1982.
The growing utility of emoticons in communications has prompted many computer programmers to replace text emoticon versions with pictoral images. These programs can automatically replace the text-typed emoticon with a small corresponding image. Graphic designers have rendered these images to a new level of pictorial artistry. The nonverbal elements are cleverly applied in the pixel art conveying voice inflections, body gestures and every imaginable facial expression. Animation makes the impact even more pronounced. The development and evolution of emoticons from simple punctuation and letters into color graphic symbols has taken on an important role in the ever-increasing role of digital communication.
Emoticons are used throughout the world.
The use of emoticons is not exclusive to the English language. They are used worldwide conveying a style that is culturally flavored in many languages. Western style emoticons are read from left to right, as the English language would be read. Asian stylized emoticons do not require the reader to tilt their head to the left to decipher the image china jordan shoes wholesale , but rather the image is displayed upright. Using a smiley face example, in Western style the use of a colon to represent two eyes and a right-sided hyphen forms the mouth. The Asian variation is formed with an asterisk followed by an underscore and then another asterisk to depict the two eyes and mouth of a smiley. Letters in the Korean alphabet are frequently used for their shape to create the emoticon image. Doubling a particular punctuation or letter creates emphasis in a way that is universally understood to mean something of a greater amount. Combining emoticon styles continues to evolve in traversing language barriers that would have otherwise hindered the communication between diverse populations.
If we think of emoticons as an emerging language, the vocabulary is no longer in an infancy stage. The development of the smiley, for example jordan shoes wholesale free shipping , has expanded itself from an individual smiley to an entire family! There are twosome smileys that may represent a couple animated in gleeful action; there are smiley families of multiple numbers representing crowds in a roar at a sporting event. Character smileys include aliens, angels and animals, just to name a few. Feeling smileys run the gamut of expressing anger, rage authentic jordan shoes wholesale , sadness, joy, despondency, serenity or fear. Cartooning is a representation that requires a specialized common knowledge between the writer and the receiver because not all cartoon representations are universal. A Mickey Mouse representation would most likely communicate the message jordan shoes wholesale online , however, a little known figure such as Ugio may not translate the fullest tenor depending on the audiencereader. Categorizing emoticons by their creators has morphed a new industry into the business marketplace.
Ownership rights to emoticons in the business world are being defined through legal process. In 2000, Despair, Inc. was able to obtain a U.S. trademark registration for a certain frowny emoticons when used in industry-specific applications. The company then issued a press release stating that they would sue internet users who typed their frowny emoticons. This public threat was of no enforceable substance and the open marketplace gave it little attention. Inventions that assist in communicating with emoticons may be protected under US patents. In 2008 cheap jordan shoes wholesale , a Russian entrepreneur claimed to have been granted the trademark on certain emoticons and in 2006, Finland granted trademark rights for the use of several emoticons associated with various products and services under a European Community Trademark. Unicode has been developed as the industry standard in guiding the consistent encoding, representation and handling of text expressed in most of the world’s writing systems, which includes emoticons. It is a nonprofit consortium committed to defining the standard. The Unicode Standard in its latest version is a compilation of more than 109 mens jordan shoes wholesale ,000 characters, code charts and encoding methodologies. It specifies the enumeration of character properties and reference files pertaining to emoticons. The consortium’s goal is ultimately to standardize character encoding schemes that are unlimited in size and scope as well as compatible in multilingual environments. Emoticons have become a commodity with identified value, legal standing and worldwide appeal.
Some may think the revolutionary introduction of emoticons into the digital world was the invention of a modern day mastermind, but they are not something new. In fact womens jordan shoes wholesale , the idea seems to have derived quite naturally from a number of sources. Prior to the 1980s, the teletype machine used emoticons to communicate. The teletype was somewhat limited due to its typewriter keyboard being a standard alphabet plus several extra characters, but the machine operators developed shorthand notations to communicate with each other. As computers began to replace the teletype, clever writers expanded the trade and the artistry of emoticons continues to develop.In digital communication jordan retro shoes wholesale , emoticons are a proven and useful writing tool. What may be lacking in face-to-fa

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