smrtsmith: POE 3.5 Betrayal Guide - Syndicate Rewards and Choices

POE 3.5 Betrayal Guide - Syndicate Rewards and Choices

6 Mar 2019 at 21:31


 POE 3.5 Betrayal BuildsThanks Dereaux first for his powerful picture guide. In this picture you can find drops of syndicate memebers, like Timeworn Item dropped from Cameria. I believe the reward might make all players crazy! Of course, your inappropriate choice may throw you away the basic surprise.That's why I write the all- around guide of syndicate and safehouse inside betrayal league. Based on the last guide, I increase information about syndicate and safehouse, which helps you improve yourself inside new league!!POE 3.5 Syndicate Basic GuideIf ensure follow POE Currency the guide below, if you would like enjoy the fun of betrayal league more freely, you'll want to learn a lot of the mechanisms for betrayal league.Check out POE 3.5 Betrayal Simple Guide - Safehouse and Syndicate to help you understand the connections between safe houses and syndicated members, and even more importantly, design your choices!POE 3.5 Syndicate Advanced Guide(Right click to see full size)T,F,R,I :Transportation,Fortification,Research,InterventionRed line on face : Should remove from SyndicateOrange line on face : May be removed SyndicateGreen box : "Best in slot" for the member/role, member medicine leader (double loot!)Orange box : Nice slot using the member/role, may depends of this needs. Should not be leader.Who to support, who to removeThere are 3 masters you simply must remove from your board ASAP then overlook the mechanic the places you get to kick an authority out of syndicate. Who those masters need to be and why:Vagan: undisputed most useless master. Rare jewels being only notable however, not worthwhile. Kick undoubtedly flask quality up however recommend to kick after.Elreon: Gives you uniques and a scarab that increases uniques drop % in maps. Sort of useless.OPTIONAL If you need to keep 1 in the three that I opt to kick other masters used to remove are:Aislin: Gives veiled items as well as option to supply veiled mod. The latter is occasionally useful.Haku: Only ideal for his strongbox scarab.
Master RolesCameria : Move to Buy POE Currency transport (possibility of a timeworn unique) to be able to intervention (Sulphite scarab). and produce there. Fortification is frequently solid option the actual way it gives you numerous Harbinger orbs for solid profit.Gravicius: Move to transport and find a chance of any full stack of div cards (Kaom's, HH etc)Rin: Move to intervention for cartography scarab and that is certainly worth a tremendous amount for now at any level.Guff:


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