smilutaneous858: World of Warcraft Classic Edition: Death Knight

World of Warcraft Classic Edition: Death Knight

4 Sep 2019 at 04:24

World of Warcraft Classic Edition: Death Knight


Role birth

    The adventurous humans who lived in the mainland of Lordaeron used the fleet to explore the northern part of Northrend in the north and established towns. The Lich King quietly chose to go deep into the human trials of the ice field, and gradually made achievements, and established a squadron of a certain scale. This touched the underground kingdom of insects tens of thousands of years ago. Ai Zhuo-Nerub's spiders believe that natural disasters are a huge threat, so the formation of the Legion launched an attack on the newly-started Lich King.

    Because these races that once worshipped the ancient gods were immune to the mental control of Ner'zhul, this war almost made Ner'zhul all the strength. Although the spiders are very powerful, their bodies can still be evoked by Ner'zhul as a member of the Scourge. The number of spiders is decreasing and the Scourge is growing. So Ner'zhul finally won this tactic. The war, and achieved the dominance of Northrend.

    Ner'zhul deceived him and his similar ambitions, Dalaran Master Kel'Thuzad, who founded the cursing sect in Lordaeron, constantly accommodating believers and spreading various plagues. This touched the kingship of Lordaeron at the time. As the Crown Prince, the Paladin Alsace and the instructor of the Knights Uther were ordered to find out the matter, but they stepped into one trap after another. In the face of the plague and the fact that a large number of people have died and become rotten monsters, Crown Prince Alsace felt unprecedented pressure and eventually forced him to embark on the journey to the Northrend continent. In the conspiracy of the Lich King, he pulled up the cursed Frostmourne and sacrificed his soul to defeat the fearful demon Melganis, who was then led by the Scourge. However, Lonely lost in the biting cold wind. The last trace of personality.

    A few months later, there was no news of Arthas triumph, and the plague retreated. In celebration, he met his father and killed the king himself, subverting the Kingdom of Lordaeron and becoming a death knight. In a series of actions he killed Uther, the former light ambassador of the mentor, and many paladins died in anger, despair, fear, and he was resurrected as a death knight.

    The only remaining members of the Silver Hand established or joined the later Scarlet Crusade. The Scarlet Crusade leader Alexandros Mograine was abandoned by the eldest son when he raided the city of Stratholme, which was occupied by the undead, and joined the death knight's camp. Secondly, Darien Mograine used self-sacrifice to awaken the spirit buried under the Holy Light's Wishing Chapel, purifying his father's soul, but the body was revived by Kel'Thuzad to become a death knight. However, he and his subordinates were betrayed by the Lich King when they attacked the Holy Light Wishing Chapel. The angry one led the troops out of the control of the Lich King and established the Knights of the Black Front to destroy the Scourge for the rest of their lives.

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Functional change

    The Death Knight is a warrior created by a powerful Necromancer. It can be divided into two types from the perspective of history and ability. These two death knights have a little in common, including riding a horned horse and some of the same abilities.

    The first generation of death knights was created by Gul'dan as a non-death sorcerer, replacing the orc warlocks killed by Orgrim Doomhammer, the most famous of which was the Tarongor Gorefiend. This generation of death knights are basically the same, with a dead human body and an evil orc warlock soul.

    The second generation of the death knights are for the Lich King. These death knights are transformed from living creatures. The race is also diverse. Any warrior with powerful power selected by the Lich King, regardless of race or gender. Once, the profession can be transformed and trained as a death knight.

    Most of the death knights still retain their pre-life appearance, despite the pale skin and the eyes that shine with evil light. However, as a powerful and important natural disaster member, the death knight will not be freed from the Lich King's slavery when they die. They will only be resurrected into undead to continue their cruel work. So a few death knights are undead and have decaying skin and exposed bones like zombies and cockroaches.


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