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A post chat statement issued in his name invited all Canadians to take part in the online consultations on the government's Canada 150 website.But while the site's "Have Your Say" questionnaire is downright anodyne in its open endedness, the selection of "nation building milestones" that the government is celebrating during the lead up to 2017 seems to suggest a preference for revelling in a sepia toned, distant past.Just this week, Heritage Minister Shelly Glover headed to the Canadian War Museum to launch a series of commemorations related to the First and Second World Wars, which will kick off with a re dedication ceremony at the National War Memorial in Ottawa.The most recent event on the short list for official recognition in the lead up to 2017 is the 20th anniversary of the 1993 Medak Pocket Battle in Croatia, followed by the 50th anniversaries of the Canadian flag and the Canada Games.The aforementioned centennial and 75th anniversaries of the start of the First and Second World Wars, as well as the specific anniversaries of major battles in both.The 200th and 175th anniversaries of the births of George tienne Cartier, Sir John A. Macdonald and Sir Wilfrid Laurier.The 125th anniversary of the Stanley Cup.The 150th anniversary of the Fenian Raids.
Focus group findingsConspicuously absent, however, is the 35th anniversary of the repatriation of the Constitution and the Canadian Charter of Rights which also happens to fall in 2017 as is any treaty, agreement or other formative event related to Canada's relationship with First Nations.
Those omissions seem to be at odds with what came out of those Canadian Heritage commissioned focus groups on the Canada 150 logo.According to TNS Canadian Facts, which conducted the research, when asked what "characteristics" should be front and centre in the design van cleef and arpels butterfly earrings replica, the key adjectives put forward were celebration, pride, party, multiculturalism and immigration, diversity, history, youth and unity."From the words that people chose to describe this event, it is clear that the communications should focus on the celebration of Canada's diversity and multiculturalism as a country, as well as appeal to the younger generation as much as possible," the report concluded.The thematic mismatch may go deeper than logos or keywords, however.Heritage Minister Shelly Glover swings a gas alarm following an announcement at the Canadian War Museum in Ottawa replica van cleef onyx earrings, on Jan. 13. Key events in Canada's military history will be marked during the sesquicentennial replica van cleef arpels earrings. (Adrian Wyld/Canadian Press)The Canada 150 website encourages Canadians to "celebrate and reflect on Canadian patriotism, sacrifice and commitment to service, the value of personal responsibility, hard work and family, national stability, the rights and duties of citizenship, and fairness and inclusiveness."
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